For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16)
Following advice from the government, all meetings normally convened at the Gospel Hall in Kirkconnel have been suspended until further notice.
I am the door... (John 10:9)
In the history of humanity, it has never been easier to tell others about yourself. Social media has provided almost everyone on the planet with platform to make statements about themselves and I'm sure that we'd all agree that we have to take some with a pinch of salt and others are just barefaced lies.
Well, it is a comfort in today's fast-paced, opinionated world to turn to someone who, by his very nature, simply cannot tell a lie and has demonstrated by his deeds as well as his words exactly what kind of person he is. That is the Lord Jesus Christ. He never publishes "fake news", and in fact he said to his friends one day that "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6). He not only speaks truth, but He is truth.
Amongst the many things He said when He was down here were seven statements all beginning with "I am..." and we've touched on one already in John chapter 14. We're not going to look at them all today but I want to focus on our title text "I am the door".
In recent days there has been a second wave of Covid cases in Dumfriesshire resulting in a "localised lockdown". There was great speculation over this, and at one point there was talk of closing the border between Scotland and England. This closure never took place but if it had done then there would only have been certain places where it was possible to cross and only certain people would have been permitted entry. This is true of many borders around the world where there are only certain places where you can entry the country legally, and even then there are conditions.
Instead of entry into a country, I want you to think about an entry into heaven.
Sadly because of Adam's fall in the garden that first act of rebellion and disobedience towards God brought the entire human race into sin and out of God's presence. To this day sin is barrier between us and God and will prevent us from entering heaven. When you travel to certain countries there are lists of things which, if you posses them, will prevent you from entering that country. Think of heaven and sin along the same lines; you cannot enter heaven with your sin. As we approach earthly borders we either have to have those illicit items removed or we cannot enter. Heaven, and a relationship with God, is exactly the same whereby we must have our sins removed before we can enter. The Lord Jesus solemnly made that clear to some men one day when he talked about their sins when He said that where He would go (heaven) ye cannot come (John 8:21).
But the wonderful message of the Gospel is that there is a way to be right with God, to have the penalty of our sins removed and the assurance of an entrance into heaven. That way is a person; the Lord Jesus Christ. How fitting that one of His statements was I am the door since he is (as He stated in John 14) the only way to enter heaven and the only way to approach God.
The rest of that statement in John 10:9 reads "I am the door, by me if any man enter, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture". Salvation, rest, sustenance, peace, purpose, joy, happiness, love, family, redemption, reconciliation, protection, preservation and hope are just some of the many blessings offered to those who enter by the door. No wonder the Lord could also say "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt 11:28). What an invitation to lay aside the weight and penalty of sin and come to the Lord Jesus in simple faith. You may ask "would he give me a welcome?" but listen again to the tender words of the Saviour "him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37). All those who come to Him on the basis of faith; believing on who He is and what He has done, are assured of salvation and an entrance to heaven.
Why is it important to believe on what He has done? Remember Calvary; there He died, offering up His sinless, perfect, holy, righteous life to bear the judgement demanded by God in relation to sin. Another
of His "I am" statements make it so clear "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" (John 10:11). You can only come to Him on the basis of accepting that in dying on the cross He gave His life for yours.
So as we think about the border between earth and heaven we need to understand it only has one entry point and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ; the one who could say "I am the door".